Association of Texas Soil and Water Conservation Districts
District-led LWGs are an important link between grassroots producers, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Regional Conservation Planning Partnership (RCCP).
LWGs identify regional priority resource concerns, and USDA NRCS and RCCP provide technical support and assistance to achieve conservation goals.

“Locally led conservation begins with the community itself, working through the local conservation district. It is based on the principle that community stakeholders are best suited to identify local resource issues. Local work group meetings serve as a conservation needs assessment forum and are a valuable part of the NRCS criteria for conservation activities and programs.”
. . . Kristy Oates
Texas State Conservationist, USDA-NRCS
"We are committed to working with NRCS and the Local Conservation Districts to ensure successful Local Work Group meetings across Texas. We understand the key to successful meetings is the opportunity for local input and appreciate the commitment to developing local conservation programs to address local conservation needs.“
. . . Kent Batman
President, ATSWCD
Joint Letter LWG Resource Guidebook Grant Program Info Sheet Grant Application: Page 1 Page 2 Calendar Events
Win an Annual Meeting Registration!
Submit an LWG CPPO Grant form and be entered to win!
Apply for LWG CPPO Grant
If you have any questions, please contact
Tamara Daniel, ATSWCD Executive Director
Phone: 254-778-8741
Email: grants.atswcd@gmail.com

What's the purpose of a Local Work Group?
LWG meetings allow for community engagement and build support for conservation programs at all levels of the conservation delivery system.
Can our District be reimbursed for expenses?
Districts can apply for up to $500 in reimbursement for time and expenses related to holding a LWG meeting through the Association’s grant program.
How do I apply for reimbursement?
Check the Grant Program Info Sheet for eligible expenses, fill out a Grant Application form and submit it to the Association for reimbursement.
ATSWCD is on Fb and IG. Like us and post your successful LWG meetings and other District events
Local Work Group Meetings Calendar
Use the map zoom tool to see all counties
Select a county to view its LWG meeting information, including the location, date and contact person: a pop out box shows the details

Regional Conservation Partnership Program
The Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) is a partner-driven approach to conservation that funds solutions to natural resource challenges on agricultural land.
By leveraging collective resources and collaborating on common goals, RCPP demonstrates the power of public-private partnerships in delivering results for agriculture and conservation.